Walkways on High Exposure Bridges

New York City is committed to extending its crowded streets to bicyclists. Here is an overview of the several bridges and their orientation, readiness and capacity for biking. The problems the engineers face are serious but not insurmountable: access, crossing lanes of traffic to enter or leave bridges. Update: the Manhattan Bridge opened to bikers and walkers late June, 2001.

Click Here: Bridges and bikes, New York City
(a PDF file - touch BACK button to return here).

Click Here: Manhattan Bridge finishing touches

The Brooklyn Bridge, known for being sold to millions of visitors, really sells itself to a casual walker or bike commuter.

To quote this website:

"...for tourists and many New Yorkers, the most important element of the bridge is its pedestrian walkway. Shared by pedestrians, cyclists, and roller-bladers, it is perhaps the most unique bridge walkway in the country. More modern bridges might squeeze their walkways in next to traffic lanes and deck them with metal gratings. By happy contrast, the Brooklyn Bridge's walkway is charmingly wooden, elevated above the roadway level, and centered between the bridge's middle set of spidery support cables. Thus, instead of getting an eyeful of automobiles, pedestrians have a breathtaking view of Brooklyn Heights, lower Manhattan, Upper New York Bay, the Manhattan Bridge, and the bridge's celebrated towers and functional filigree of support cables-which you can walk right up to and touch. Midspan, halfway between the two towers, the support cables actually dip below the level of the walkway providing a completely unbroken view of the harbor.

"If you're visiting the city, or live here but have never done so, you should visit the bridge and take this walk. It's easily one of the most exciting things to do in New York. More than one jaded native (Yours Truly included) has begrudgingly walked over the span only to fall hopelessly in love with bridge and walkway.

"Just remember, if you do fall in love, don't be heartbroken to find out that you can't take it with you. You see, no matter what you may have heard over the years, the Brooklyn Bridge is decidedly not for sale :-) "

Click Here: About the Brooklyn Bridge

Index of High Exposure Walk-Bike Bridges

And, don't get lost, come back to the Hoan!


Bicycles on the Interstate?

On Bridges!

In Wisconsin!

Hudson, Wisconsin

Interstates and Bridges
Bicycle Access Nationwide

Frequently Asked Questions

Wind? Weather? Congestion?
Good news from Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Designed for Safety
WISDOT engineering cut-a-way

UPAF Ride Slideshow
See the joy, the ease, the view


A Civic Lakefront Committee
Long Range Lakefront Committee envisions Milwaukee's most valuable property

HISTORY - The Record

Why Not The Hoan?
What is taking so long?

Comment on the
August 8, 2002, WisDOT decision

Eric Damien Berna
Chris Krochalk
Bruce Thompson
Bill Sell

Poetry of Harvey Taylor
See You On The Bridge

Below: We have endorsed.
How about you?

Organizations. Businesses
County Supervisors
State Representatives
City of Milwaukee
Kahler Slater Architects

Editorial. Columnist. Opinions.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Representative John Richards
The Bay Viewer


Former Executive Director Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin
Milwaukee Buzz

Daniel Webster Hoan, Former Mayor of Milwaukee

webpage sponsored by

Sponsor: The Last Word, a Third Ward business. The owner, William Sell lives in Bay View and commutes by bike.
The Last Word
316 N. Milwaukee #555
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

Transcribing voice - meetings, interviews, hearings

Visitors to this website
since May 12, 2001.